Function of an integer raised in a power * and the calculation of the sum of a series of integers ( source code

This snippet submitted by Spyridon Arvanitis on 2014-02-02. It has been viewed 92460 times.
Rating of 8.0 with 457 votes

 * Function of an integer raised in a power
 * and the calculation of the sum of a series of integers (1^e+2^e....+n^e) raised in a power.
 * Author: Spyridon Arvanitis
 * Date  : Jan, 2014

 #include <stdio.h>

 int power(int b, int e);

 int main()


 /* n= positive integer e= power, S=  sum of integers raised in e power*/

 int e,n,i,S=0;

 /*Input e and n. Control that the   inputs are positive numbers*/

 printf (\\"Enter the last number (n)  of  the series\n\\");

 scanf (\\"%d\\", &n);

    if (n<=0) /* if n is a negative  number*/


    printf (\\"Error. You gave a  negative number. Program ends.\n\\");

    return 0;


 printf (\\"Input the number to be the  power\n\\");

 scanf (\\"%d\\", &e);

    if (e<=0) /* if n is a negative  number*/


     printf (\\"Error. You gave a  negative number. Program ends.\n\\");

     return 0;


 /* Calling function power n times*/

    for (i=1; i<=n; i++)


    S += power (i,e);

 printf (\\"The sum of the 1-%d series  of integers raised in %d is %d\\", n,e,  S);

 return 0;


 /*Fuction to calculate a number raised  in power*/

 int power(int b, int e)


 int power=1;

 int i;

 if (b<=0)

        return -1;

 if (e<=0)

        return -1;

 for (i=1; i<=e;i++)




 return (power);


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