An example of simple priority queue using linked lists. source code

This snippet submitted by Ali Nawkhas Murad on 2012-03-18. It has been viewed 68304 times.
Rating of 5.5 with 186 votes

// An example of simple priority queue using linked lists.
// Priority depends on identity number. Small identity number has greater priority.
// If identity numbers are equal. Then FIFO rules are used.
#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

struct DAT
    int id;
    char fullname[50];
    double salary;

struct NODE
  DAT data;
  Node *N;
  Node *P;
  Node(const int i , const char *f, const double s )
    { = i;
       data.salary = s;
       N = NULL;
       P = NULL;


class PQueueLinkedList
  NODE *front;
  NODE *back;
  PQueueLinkedList(){front = NULL;back = NULL;}
  void enqueue(NODE *);
  NODE* dequeue();
  void destroyList();

void PQueueLinkedList::enqueue(NODE *n)
    if(front == NULL)//queue has one node.
        front = n;
        back = n;
    else//queue has more than one node.
        NODE* temp = front;
        if( n-> > temp-> node id's is greater than all others.
            front->P = n;
            n->N = front;
            front = n;
            //Search for the position for the new node.
            while( n-> < temp->
                    if(temp->N == NULL)
                    temp = temp->N;
                    //New node id's smallest than all others
                  if(temp->N == NULL && n-> < temp->
                        back->N = n;
                        n->P = back;
                        back = n;

                  else//New node id's is in the medium range.
                      temp->P->N = n;
                      n->P = temp->P;
                      n->N = temp;
                      temp->P = n;


NODE* PQueueLinkedList::dequeue()
        NODE *temp;
    if( back == NULL )//no nodes
        return NULL;
    else if(back->P == NULL)//there is only one node
        NODE * temp2 = back;
            temp = temp2;
            front = NULL;
            back = NULL;
            delete temp2;
            return temp;
    else//there are more than one node
       NODE * temp2 = back;
            temp = temp2;
            back = back->P;
            back->N = NULL;
            delete temp2;
            return temp;

void PQueueLinkedList::destroyList()
   while(front != NULL)
       NODE *temp = front;
       front = front->N;
       delete temp;

void disp(NODE *m)
    if( m == NULL )
        cout << "\nQueue is Empty!!!" << endl;
        cout << "\nId No.     : " << m->;
        cout << "\nFull Name  : " << m->data.fullname;
        cout << "\nSalary     : " << setprecision(15)  << m->data.salary << endl;

int main()
    PQueueLinkedList *Queue = new PQueueLinkedList();

    NODE No1( 101, "Aaaaa Nnnnnnn Mmmmm", 123456.4758 );
    NODE No2( 102, "Bbbbb Ddddd Ssssss", 765432.9488 );
    NODE No3( 103, "wwww nnnnn www eeee", 366667.3456 );
    NODE No4( 104, "Bsrew hytre dfresw", 9876544.0432 );







    delete Queue;
    return 0;

Program's output
Id No.     : 101
Full Name  : Aaaaa Nnnnnnn Mmmmm
Salary     : 123456.4758

Id No.     : 102
Full Name  : Bbbbb Ddddd Ssssss
Salary     : 765432.9488

Id No.     : 103
Full Name  : wwww nnnnn www eeee
Salary     : 366667.3456

Id No.     : 104
Full Name  : Bsrew hytre dfresw
Salary     : 9876544.0432

Queue is Empty!!!

Process returned 0 (0x0)   execution time : 0.015 s
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