Simple swapping heapsort source code

This snippet submitted by yzb3 on 2012-01-02. It has been viewed 22529 times.
Rating of 5.3 with 195 votes

/* Can easily be modified to work with other data types */

void heapsort(int *arr, int n)
	int start, end;

	// heapify the array
	for(start = (n - 2) / 2; start >= 0; --start) // for every root
		siftDown(arr, start, n); // sift through it
	// sort the array
	for(end = n - 1; end; --end) // for every element of the heap
		swapi(&arr[end], &arr[0]); // swap it with the top root
		siftDown(arr, 0, end); // rebuild the heap

void siftDown(int *arr, int start, int end)
	int root, child;

	root = start; // pick the root index
	while(2 * root + 1 < end) // while the root has a child
		child = 2 * root + 1; // pick its index
		if((child + 1 < end) && (arr[child] < arr[child+1]))
			++child; // if the other child is bigger, pick it instead
		if(arr[root] < arr[child]) // if root is smaller than the child
			swapi(&arr[child], &arr[root]); // swap them
			root = child; // go down the heap
		else // if the child is smaller than the root
			return; // that root is in the right spot

void swapi(int *x, int *y)
	int z;
	z = *x;
	*x = *y;
	*y = z;

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