Clever ways to avoid using if statements

This tip submitted by A. Karthick Pandia Samy on 2005-03-31 01:41:58. It has been viewed 59001 times.
Rating of 5.7 with 318 votes

How could you determine if a number is odd or even without using an if statement or even relational operators like greater than?

There are actually several ways:

Method 1:
int main()
   char *result[2] = { \"Even\", \"Odd\" };
   int no;
   scanf( \"%d\", &no );

   printf( result[no%2] );
   return 0;

Method 2:

int main()
  int no;
  scanf( \"%d\", &no );
  no&1 ? printf(\"odd\"):printf(\"Even\");

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