Tutorials -- Solutions to C++ Programming Quiz on Structures

Solutions to Quiz 7: Structures

If you didn't as well as you wanted to, be sure to read through Cprogramming.com's tutorial on Structures in C++. Otherwise, congratulations, you're well on your way to learning C++!

1. Which of the following accesses a variable in structure b?
A. b->var;
B. b.var;
C. b-var;
D. b>var;

2. Which of the following accesses a variable in structure *b?
A. b->var;
B. b.var;
C. b-var;
D. b>var;

3. Which of the following is a properly defined struct?
A. struct {int a;}
B. struct a_struct {int a;}
C. struct a_struct int a;
D. struct a_struct {int a;};

4. Which properly declares a variable of struct foo?
A. struct foo;
B. foo var;
C. foo;
D. int foo;

Next lesson: Lesson 8, arrays