
Prototype: char *ctime(const time_t *time)
Header File: time.h (C) or ctime (C++)
ANSI: C and C++
Explanation: Use ctime to convert a time_t variable into a string of 26 characters in the format Fri Jan 28 09:12:21 2000\n\0 where \n and \0 are the newline and terminating null character. The string it returns will be overwritten unless you copy the string to another variable before calling ctime again.

//Program uses ctime to convert a time_t variable into a human readable
//string in form Fri Jan 28 00:00:00 2000\n\0
#include <ctime>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
  time_t hold_time;
  cout<<"The date is: "<<ctime(&hold_time);
Other Functions