Crossfire, I can understand that this is quite frustrating. C++ isn't easy. But you need to start with the small (or not so small) basics like header files and classes. A project that dynamically loads a dll in a cross platform gui framework is way out of your league if classes and RAII aren't in your reach yet.

I'll take a wild guess and say that you have no idea what this line does:
std::shared_ptr<void*> _(nullptr, [hDLL](void*) { FreeLibrary(hDLL); });
And that's ok. It's freaky stuff. But you cannot base your program on something that you don't understand. That simply won't work.

For example, if I'm not mistaken, that line tells me that the library will be unloaded at the end of the init function when the shared_pointers destructor (after making sure it was the only reference) calls the lambda expression. So your global variable with the function pointer will propbably be invalid after init.

I will repeat my advice: divide and conquer. Your program fails and you don't know why. Make your problem set smaller. You tackled multiple cpp files and headers. Now forget about multiple files and your Gui framework. Can you write the smallest possible program dynamically loading your dll and calling a function? If you can, combine the solutions.